There are many causes of foot pain that are caused by mechanical impairments that we seen at PTN in our Strip District, Fox Chapel, Harmar, and Cranberry Township offices that surround Pittsburgh, PA. Three of these common diagnoses can present with the same pain and in the same regions of the foot and need to be treated differently.

1.) Plantar fasciitis – this is a condition where an individual has symptoms of plantar surface (bottom of the foot) pain and includes pain within the arch of the foot and anywhere along the bottom surface of the foot including the heel. Pain is generally felt in the morning or with initial standing, bending of the toes and during walking and running. This condition is related to chronic friction of the plantar fascia and is common in walkers and runners and is usually the result of poor footwear, and poor biomechanics of the foot, ankle, knee, and lower back. Physical therapy is highly effective but has to be specialized treatment. At PTN we have a very success rate for curing plantar fasciitis due to the very specific treatment that one may receive. This treatment will not involve taking medications or receiving shots. Once treatment occurs it is rare that this condition will return with the PTN method of recovery.

2.) Posterior tibialis syndrome– this is a condition where the posterior tibialis tendon is inflamed but the source of the improper biomechanics must be determined by your physical therapist. Inflexible and weak muscles in the foot, lower limb, and pelvis can all be contributors to this condition. Alterations in walking or running patterns, previous injury and genetics also may play a role in developing this condition.

3.) Fat pad syndrome– this is a condition that mimics plantar fasciitis but is not the same condition. This condition occurs usually with pain occurring over the center of the heel only and occurs from a reduced fat pad. Treatment for this condition is different from plantar fasciitis but like plantar fasciitis biomechanical abnormalities in the ankle, knee, hip, and lower back may be the culprit. The root cause of this condition must be evaluated by your physical therapist.

With all three of these syndromes the cause of your pain can be difficult to detect and here’s why:

Often the source of the problem is related to abnormal biomechanics at a site other than where the pain lies. A problem with pain in a particular portion of the foot can be caused by improper length/tension of muscle groups at the low back, pelvis, hip, and knee, bony alignment problems and the overall mobility of joints that interact together.

Many times, diagnoses are made without consideration of the biomechanics that may be the “true source” of the problem or are based on the location of a persons’ pain instead of how they abnormally move as a  whole person.

So when we take a look at plantar fasciitis, posterior tibialis syndrome, and fat pad syndrome attention to the biomechanics of the complete human body in motion has to be considered as well as the patient’s medical history of course in order to delineate the correct problem and to treat it appropriately.

If you would like to eliminate your foot and ankle pain and would like to talk about how this is possible without taking medications, receiving shots, or having surgery then:

CLICK HERE to schedule a FREE 30 minute phone conversation

We have found that most people may have been told that there is nothing that can be done to cure their particular foot or ankle problem in a natural way and often this is not the case. Many receive shots or surgery with temporary resolution of their problem only for the problem to return. It doesn’t hurt to talk about your problem and honestly let you know if there is something that can be done or not. This is what we do everyday! A free conversation is helpful way for anyone to know if there might be help for their condition.

These are the 3 Common Myths to ending foot and ankle problems:

  1. I have been told that nothing will work! Sometimes this is true but most often this is false.
  2. I have been given exercises in the past and these have not worked. Often exercises will not work alone and have to implemented with other natural treatments in a  specifically combined and sequential approach.
  3. I can not afford to take care of my foot/ankle pain. Treatment of foot and ankle disorders by natural means does not have to be expensive and is way less expensive than ongoing shots or surgery. Also, the cost of continued foot problems will escalate if not corrected.

If you have a foot or ankle condition we would be happy to talk to you about how we may be able to help you. Just click on the link below.

CLICK HERE to schedule a FREE 30 minute phone conversation