There are many exercises for low back pain and sciatica for those suffering from these conditions in and around Pittsburgh but there are 3 that tend to help in a general sense.

Now, doing a few exercises WILL NOT cure your low back pain and sciatica because the only way to eliminate your problem is to schedule a comprehensive exam to find out a diagnosis and establish an individualized treatment plan for you.

There are so many times that people are given exercises with the expectation that when they do the exercises your pain will be reduced and this will take care of their problem. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In other blog posts we have talked about how each person is like a snowflake, no two are alike. The same goes when someone is experiencing low back pain sciatica.

Someone who has the same diagnosis as another person will not have the same symptoms, will not responded the same treatments, and is completely different than someone else. There is no “one-size-fits-all”. This is why it is imperative to be seen specifically for your condition.

Exercise #1

Exercise #2

Exercise #3

If you have low back pain or pain that travels down your legs and you want it gone click here for a FREE discussion on non-surgical options that work.

Tired of low back pain ruining your lifestyle?

If you are tired of persistent low back pain and would like to schedule a free discovery visit then click here. A discovery visit is a no obligation 1 to 1 consultation with our low back pain specialists in the privacy of our office.