Hey, it’s Michael Ricchiuto MPT, EMT-P from Physical Therapy Now, and a lot of people are coming into our clinic that are injured in their cervical spine, not knowing why they’re injured. cThey didn’t have any type of event they weren’t playing sports. Obviously, in this environment, people aren’t really going out.

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But there’s one thing that’s really blatantly clear. One of those things is that everybody’s sitting more and sitting more has problems with when you were talking about cervical spine problems.

Sitting is one of the things that if you’re doing it too much it can really hurt you. So immobility of your cervical spine can hurt you.

Too much mobility can hurt you in your cervical spine, and so there has to be a happy medium. So let’s take a look at why that happens.

So let’s take a look at proper seating posture and take a look at how you should try and set up your environment at home. If you’re working from home and you’re spending long hours in front of a computer screen.

The first thing that we are going to do is we’re going to maintain a 90/90 position. What that means is you want your cervical spine, your elbows, your knees, and hips all to reach 90 degrees.

If you take a look at this example, the computer screens is right in front of us. We don’t want to maintain a tipped up or tipped down head posture way. We want to make sure that our shoulders are back, we’re not putting our foot up crossing our legs.

That will throw the pelvis off in position. We want to maintain a proper 90 degree angle of our shoulders by our sides and then also our hips, our hips and our trunk should reach 90 degrees our knees should reach 90 degrees, and our ankles should reach 90 degrees, and both feet should be flat on the floor.

Maintaining this posture is fundamental in sustaining longer periods of time sitting without getting hurt. When we take a look at where the forces of gravity come down they come down straight, right near the ear, in front of the shoulder, on down through the spine.

This would represent gravity striking your cervical spine and where it’s supposed to be. Now if your head is forward, what happens is the gravity then strikes your head behind your center of gravity.

And he strikes the thoracic spine in places where it shouldn’t. Well, I hope that’s been helpful to you.

If you have any questions, you can call our office at (412) 794-8352.

If you’re having cervical spine problems or pain related to sitting and posture we can be reached at physicaltherapynow@gmail. com. We also can be reached for a 30 minute free consultation  by clicking here now  or you  can call our office for that at (412) 794-8352. If you found this very helpful then thank you, and we’ll see you next time.