If you have persistent low back pain that doesn’t seem to go away with waxing and waning symptoms then you will not want to miss this information.

The fact is that one and four Americans will have at least one low back pain episode in their lifetime.  If simply strengthening or stretching the low back with a certain set of exercises was the answer then we would not continue to have so many persistent low back pain problems. Right?

Well after evaluating and treating the sources of low back pain for over twenty years you might be surprised to hear that curing low back pain is a unique and individual process that often does not involve the use of medications and surgery, simple exercises, or mobilizations of the spine. The answer lies in a specific sequence of events that must take place and this “secret sauce” is different for each person. There is no “one size fits all” answer.

In fact, our bodies, if given the right set up are capable of natural healing with a road to a permanent low back pain solution. “No” this is not an infomercial and “yes” the requirement for natural healing involves lifestyle changes, time, and a mental/physical commitment to the problem at hand. These requirements often are a better choice than many other solutions for complete resolution of  recurrent low back pain symptoms.

The first sign that you may have persistent low back pain is when repetitive bending produces pain. This pain may not be limited to a certain area but may instead give you pain down the legs and into the feet. When this happens there are several places within the nerve space where the nerve can remain trapped by bone or tissue which then tells the brain that it is trapped resulting in a pain symptom.

The second sign that you may be having persistent low back pain is during prolonged sitting or standing. In this case the pelvis may be involved in either rotating in an incorrect manner which may involve other joints like the sacroiliac and hip joints.

The last sign that you may be having persistent low back pain is during exercise. There are many reasons for this most specifically conditions that create chronic muscle strains and vascular deficits to the spinal discs themselves.

If you seem to be having any of these difficulties then it is best to seek treatment sooner rather than later. Our patients often tell us that they have regretted not coming in for treatment sooner. Believe it or not this makes a big difference in a shorter versus longer recovery time.

If you have any questions about your persistent lumbar spine pain then do not hesitate to call our office at 412-794-8352 to discuss your specific problem.

Thank you and the best of wellness to you!

-Michael Ricchiuto MPT, EMT-P