Is biking good for me?

Is biking good for me?

Is biking good for me? The answer is “yes”! Biking is a great way to improve your cardiovascular system, to improving muscle strength and can be instrumental in helping to provide mobility to your body. Biking can reduce and eliminate joint pain, and...
Specific low back pain treatment in Pittsburgh, PA

Specific low back pain treatment in Pittsburgh, PA

Specific low back pain treatment  🏃 Solving lower back pain is an individual process for a patient involving a “unique” set of strategies. There is no “one-sized-fits-all” approach for low back pain conditions. Success involves a specific...
Achieving your fitness goals

Achieving your fitness goals

🔥 Achieving one’s physical best involves the coordination of multiple systems of the body working together. 🏌️‍♂️ The body depends upon proper nutrition, appropriate strength, proper range of motion, the right flexibility, the absence of pain, limited...
What to do if you have balance problems!

What to do if you have balance problems!

🤸🏻‍♂️Are you experiencing balance problems? ⚖️ Balance is the result when major systems of the body are coordinated and are in-sync with each other.Physical therapy plays a pivotal role in restoring balance, essential for daily activities and preventing falls,...
If you are having foot pain you will need to know this…

If you are having foot pain you will need to know this…

    🦶🏻 Chronic foot and ankle problems can result from some of the most painful conditions. Here are three tips to resolving foot and ankle pain. ➡️ 70% of all foot pain is due to poor shoe wear. Switch out your shoes every 500 walking miles. ➡️ Ankle...