97% Successful treatment
95% Direct Access referrals
100% appointments scheduled with 24 hours
PTN 2018 Workshop Schedule- Allegheny Valley, Cranberry, Fox Chapel, Pittsburgh, PA Locations
“We are excited to educate the community on how to become pain-free and mobile to improve your lifestyle so that you can lead the life that you want without the need for pain medication and to avoid surgery.” Please call 412-794-8352 for all upcoming...
Advanced Shoulder Pain Evaluation at PTN Penn Avenue, PA
Many do not realize that shoulder rehabilitation requires the appropriate diagnosis and treatment by a physical therapist specialized in orthopedic and sports rehabilitation. Fortunately in Lawrenceville and Bloomfield, PA the specialists at PTN Penn Avenue, PA are...
Do you have a shoulder problem? He’s how to find out!
Shoulder pain is highly prevalent within our society with a reported annual incidence in primary care of 14.7 people in 1000 patients per year with an average lifetime prevalence of 70%. (BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:119) Because of this there are many...
PTN Reviews
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Physical Therapy $79 Evaluation Special
Physical Therapy Now $79 Evaluation Special Click the button below to check out below
Thank you for signing up for Personal Training
We are looking forward to working with you! You will experience personal training with our experts! Please click below to submit payment. Once received we will contact you to schedule. Thank you so much! -The PTN team ...