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What causes poor balance?
What causes poor balance? Balance problems can make you feel dizzy or create vertigo which is a sensation that the room is spinning around you or problems of unsteadiness of the body can occur without dizziness. At our 3 offices in Fox Chapel PA, Cranberry Township...

This Piriformis Stretch will Help with Spinal Stenosis
Here is a good stretch to help alleviate the symptoms of Spinal Stenosis. So what we're going to do is...

Is Your Outside Knee Pain IT-BAND Syndrome…or something Else?
Are you experiencing knee pain when running? Are you able to ramp up your mileage to a certain point until...

Taking simple tasks for granted..until you have knee pain.
Negotiating stairs can be difficult without proper knee function which involves the knee being able to fully bend and straighten. Additionally the knee has to have the right performance of ligaments, muscles, and surrounding joint structures. Natural treatment for...
Is Biking good for your body?
Is Biking good for you body? The short answer is "yes". Biking is a great way to improve your cardiovascular system, to improving muscle strength and can be instrumental in helping to provide mobility to your body. Biking can reduce and eliminate joint pain, and...

5 Reasons for Low Back Pain
Hi! It's Michael Ricchiuto, MPT, EMT-P from Physical Therapy Now, and we've got a lot of questions that...
PTN FREE 30 minute Phone Consultation

3 Reasons for Hip Pain
Are you having hip pain that may be traveling into the groin or down leg and are in the Fox Chapel,...

Do you have Recurrent Hamstring Pain?
Are you having hamstring tightness, hip pain or glute tightness when you perform exercises, weightlifting or running...