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3 Reasons for Persistent Knee Pain in Pittsburgh, PA
Hi. My name is Michael Ricchiuto MPT, EMT-P. My team and I have been treating persistent knee pain...

3 Exercises that you do NOT want to do if you are having shoulder pain.

3 Exercises to Eliminate Spinal Stenosis Symptoms in Pittsburgh, PA
https://youtu.be/mRlm0XI3Bak Pittsburgh, PA: If you've been told that you have spinal stenosis and that you have to live with this condition, then the good news is that this condition does not have to limit your lifestyle. Stick around to the end of this video and you...

3 Secrets to Ending Athletic Low Back Pain
https://youtu.be/6gqdOe6_ouU Are you an athlete who continues to have low back pain? Are you in a sport and your low back pain is limiting your performance? Have you been working on your technique in your conditioning program, but you continue to suffer from...

3 Reasons for Persistent Low Back Pain
https://youtu.be/-b2CvaepBO4 Do you have pain and stiffness within your low back in the morning? Are you trying to exercise but you're limited by low back pain? Is low back pain persistently making you not be able to play your sport like golf or tennis or care for...

Is Posture Increasing Your Neck Pain?
https://youtu.be/YKZhKiXH514?rel=0 Hey, it's Michael Ricchiuto MPT, EMT-P from Physical Therapy Now, and a lot of people are coming into our clinic that are injured in their cervical spine, not knowing why they're injured. cThey didn't have any type of event...

Avoid Pain Down the Arm
https://youtu.be/MIUa8wiK-Bo Do you have persistent numbness and tingling in your forearm, wrist, hand and shoulder when you turn your head. When you put your hands on the steering wheel, does your hand go numb or feel like it's falling asleep? If this sounds like...

Avoid Neck Pain by Doing 3 Things
https://youtu.be/oND7qZ6ZiqY If your Neck is painful with any movement or you are having difficulty with persistent neck pain then let's figure it out on a phone call with a FREE 30 minute conversation. Click Here Now! ...

3 Myths of Plantar Fasciitis
Among our 3 offices at PTN in Cranberry Township, Fox Chapel, and Pittsburgh, PA we've been treating ankle and foot disorders for over 15 years, from competitive dancers to gymnasts to weekend warriors to those who just want to be able to walk without having foot...